Art Studio Tour

I’m so grateful to FINALLY have my own space to create art. For years I’ve been making art wherever I could find space, which more often than not was my kitchen or living room. And for someone who likes to make a giant mess while creating and also keep a clean house, those things didn’t mesh. I couldn’t just close the door on my mess and come back to it the next day….because I didn’t have a door to close! It was quite the process to get all of my art supplies set up and take my paints out of my secret hiding spots (a one-bedroom apartment has very limited storage) and then put everything away again so I could make dinner. But that is no longer the case! I have a studio with windows! A door! White walls! Storage!

blank canvas abstract painting

There’s plenty of my room for my work to spread out, while I also create new pieces. The light throughout the day is warm and magical. I especially loved creating in this room during the fall, when the streets and sidewalks were covered in leaves and the trees were golden.

puppy in artist studio
swiss mountain dog puppy in artist studio

In addition to my new studio space, I also gained a new studio assistant named Mooshy. He’s very cute, but not sure how long he’ll last as my studio assistant. He likes to chew the paintbrushes which he seems to enjoy, but doesn’t help my creative process.

painting and collage - Chelsea Hart
Artist Desk
art supply cart

Every day I sit down at my desk I say aloud how grateful I am for this space. Sometimes I just scream with joy. Sometimes I look around the room and take it all in, and remind myself that it is in fact mine. I have a desk that’s organized and makes the admin side of being an artist a lot easier. It’s filled with books that I refer to daily, my journals, my spirit animal cards, and practical items like my headphones and pens.

Even my little paint supply cart makes me happy. It’s pink and houses all my painting supplies. I no longer have to hide my paints in secret spots because I have a lack of storage. They’re just there for me to use whenever I need.

collage work - Chelsea Hart

There’s a small closet and useful nooks and crannies where my littler work is stored. Seeing all my work resting safely in the open fills me with inspiration and reminds me of the kind of art I’m capable of creating. Especially on days when I feel particularly low, with little motivation to paint at all.

abstract painting blue
You're So Cool
artist palette painting
book shelf styling - artist studio

I LOVE the built in bookshelf. It’s filled with books that inspired me, my business cards, more art supplies of course, little knick knacks I think are cute, and generally just fun stuff.

studio painting
abstract painting - Chelsea Hart

I know I’m incredibly lucky to not only be doing what I loved as a kid as my job but to have a beautiful space to do it in. I’m excited to see what new work I make and how this space inspires and fuels my creativity.

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